
Whether you’re a buyer or seller, come to the Missouri Bison Association sales events. Check our events calendar for details about when and where we’ll be.

Fall Bison Production Sale

This public auction in Macon, MO of around 100 head of Bison is open to members and non-members alike.

  • We always kick off the Fall Bison Production Sale the night before with a dinner and buyer’s reception that’s open to all. The Sale is always held in December and there’s always a great selection.
  • If you’re a seller, this is the place to be – there’s always a lot of buyers in attendance looking for great animals.
  • The handlers at Lolli Livestock Market are among the best in the industry. They know how to handle these huge animals and treat them with care.
  • The Sale Barn Cafe is open early for your convenience, so grab breakfast and get to know some other producers.
  • The arena is heated and setup so that all buyers have a great view of the selling ring.

Again, check out the events page for December for all the details – and we look forward to seeing you there!

Spring Show and Sale

2022 Missouri Bison Association Grand Champion Bull buckle | Missouri Bison Association

The Spring Show and Sale is the place to show off your animals, get them judged, and get their bloodlines recognized! You don’t want to miss one-day event.

Just like the Fall Bison Production Sale, we kick off this show with a fantastic buyer’s reception and dinner the night before, so that the socialization part of being a buyer or seller can get underway. Come eat and drink with us and get to know all your fellow producers (and hopefully some of your buyers too!)

Judging is handled by Bison experts, whether you have Plains Bison or Woods Bison, bring them to sell and to show off. And if you’ve got a champion bloodline, this is the place to find suitors! First, Second, Third, and Producer of the Year prices are awarded at the Spring Show.

Check out the events page for March for all the details. DON’T MISS THIS EVENT!